Sunday, December 20, 2015

Back Home

So this post is late, I know. But at this point, since I have been able to see most of the people who read this blog in person, this final post is more for myself than for anyone else.

I spent the last few weeks of the semester working at Nkaikela Youth Group, dialing for dollars, helping out at condom distributions, and teaching some of the volunteers there how to use Facebook. On December 3, our group flew out to Kasane, a village in the north of Botswana, for our final program excursion. We camped in Chobe National Park, where we saw dozens of animals, including four of the Big Five. (We never saw a leopard.) Here are a few pictures!


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After spending a few days in Kasane, we headed out to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The falls were drier than usual, but were breathtaking nonetheless. I’ve attached pictures below.


After visiting Zim, we flew back to Gaborone, and then back to the States. I have mixed emotions about being back. My old university now seems so much more fast-paced now that I have adjusted to the slow, plodding notes of Botswana life. I no longer know how to use any of the weight machines in the gym, since I did all of my training on Botswana machines that are slightly different. But I’m glad to be home with family and friends, and I can’t wait to someday return to Botswana to resume my adventures. Until then, sala sentle!